Monday, September 12, 2005

May be too much for me

Had a very interesting 24 hours. Firstly talking to Hilary about the commercial benefits of her restarting and taking over her 'Piano Player' blog and how beneficial this was for her business previously. When I mentioned to her that I had just started a blog called 'good enough' because most things only need be that. She was truly perplexed. If you are playing the piano presumably you need to aim for perfect. Obviously that's why I've never been able to stick at it. Broad brush is what I do, can never manage detail.

I also posted my (second ) comment ever on
After reading the very long list of comments prompted by 'Oursocialworld' on this blog I said a small part of what it made me think. I found it extremely intimidating. Very interesting since I can hold my own in most real settings. Is this the right media for me?

Saturday, September 10, 2005

My first go

Not sure how to start or what I am going to say here.